
The code of relay.proto is as follows:

syntax = "proto3";

package blockchain;

option go_package = "/Users/code/relay/grpcServer"; 
service Gateway {
  rpc SendTx (SendTxRequest) returns (SendTxReply) {}
  rpc SendTxs (SendTxsRequest) returns (SendTxsReply) {}
  rpc NewTxs (TxsRequest) returns (stream TxsReply){}
  rpc NewBlocks (BlocksRequest) returns (stream BlocksReply){}

message TxsRequest{
  bool node_validation = 1;

message Tx{
  bytes from = 1;
  int64 timestamp = 2;
  bytes raw_tx = 3;

message TxsReply{
   Tx tx = 1;

message BlocksRequest{
  bool node_validation = 1;

message BlockHeader{
  string parent_hash = 1;
  string sha3_uncles = 2;
  string miner = 3;
  string state_root = 4;
  string transactions_root = 5;
  string receipts_root = 6;
  string logs_bloom = 7;
  string difficulty = 8;
  string number = 9;
  uint64 gas_limit = 10;
  uint64 gas_used = 11;
  uint64 timestamp = 12;
  bytes extra_data = 13;
  string mix_hash = 14;
  uint64 nonce = 15;
  uint64 base_fee_per_gas = 16;
  string withdrawals_root = 17;
  uint64 blob_gas_used = 18;
  uint64 excess_blob_gas = 19;
  string parent_beacon_block_root = 20;

message NextValidator{
  string block_height = 1;
  string coinbase = 2;

message BlocksReply{
  string hash = 1;
  BlockHeader header = 2;
  repeated NextValidator nextValidator = 3;
  repeated Tx txs = 4;

message Transaction {
  string content = 1;

message Transactions {
  repeated Transaction transactions = 1;

message SendTxRequest {
  string transaction = 1;

message SendTxsRequest {
  string transactions = 1;

message SendTxReply {
  string tx_hash = 1;

message SendTxsReply {
  repeated string tx_hashs = 1;

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